14yo and more
around 2h
Clan Banu Haqim spawns from an ancient bloodline of warriors, sorcerers and assassins. Now they are pillars of law and tradition in vampiric society, although they are not immune to intrigue and political disputes.
With this deck you use a combination of stealth, threats and violence to triumph. Your vampires have both high political status and excellent combat skills.
New Blood: Banu Haqim
Crypt (6 cards)
2x Kasim Bayar 9 CEL OBF THA aus pot justicar Banu Haqim:6
1x Farah Sarroub 7 CEL THA aus obf prince Banu Haqim:6
1x Oluwafunmilayo (NEW) 8 AUS CEL OBF THA prince Banu Haqim:6
1x Warmaksan 5 THA cel obf prince Banu Haqim:6
1x Arjun Shah (NEW) 4 THA obf Banu Haqim:6
Library (48 cards)
Master (9; 2 trifle)
1x Alamut
1x Black Throne, The
2x Grooming the Protégé
1x Haqim's Law: Retribution
1x The Khabar: Community
2x Priority Contract
1x Yoruba Shrine
Action (8)
2x Fourth Tradition: The Accounting
3x Hunter's Mark
1x Judgment: Camarilla Segregation
2x Khabar: Glory
Political Action (4)
1x Archon
1x Banishment
2x Parity Shift
Equipment (1)
1x Kali’s Fang
Action Modifier (1)
1x Closed Session (new art)
Action Modifier/Combat (5)
3x Resist Earth's Grasp
2x Swallowed by the Night
Reaction (6)
1x Elder Intervention (new art)
1x On the Qui Vive
4x Second Tradition: Domain
Combat (14)
2x Blur
6x Hunger of Marduk
2x Lightning Reflexes
2x Side Strike
1x Weather Control
1x Wind Dance
New crypt cards
Name: Arjun Shah
Clan: Banu Haqim
Group: 6
Capacity: 4
Discipline: THA obf
Name: Oluwafunmilayo
Clan: Banu Haqim
Group: 6
Capacity: 8
Discipline: AUS CEL OBF THA
Camarilla Prince of Lagos. Oluwafunmilayo gets +1 intercept when attempting to block political actions.
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